How to Get Feedback

Today's task:
-Find 3 people to get feedback from on your designs.  Assign them a symbol (star, circle, square, ect.) to use to identify promising sketch ideas.
-Each consultant must identify at least 3 ideas that fit the criteria for this design challenge.  The criteria is as follows:

-is the classmate directing your choice? Deny them feedback. Students directing the process will be allowed to get feedback only from Mrs. Rice.
-contains a clear center of interest
-uses dynamic positioning to place objects
-uses the rule of 3rds to place a horizon and the center of interest\
-has at least 3 layers of depth
-shows variety
-is eye catching and/or interesting to look at.

Once you receive feedback, you must see if you have two or more designs that your team agreed were good choices to consider. In other words, did more than one team member choice a particular design? If you have one or fewer sketches that people agreed on, you must create more sketches and seek more feedback.

Circle the design that you will be developing into a full color sketch. The sketch must show the pattern or design with color notes or actual color. It must include relevant size notes. There must be descriptive title for pieces such a Quilting, Weaving, Cardboard Loom Bag, etc. Staple the final sketch to the 8 thumbnail sketches and turn in for grading.

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