Thursday, October 31, 2013


Complete your 8 sketches today, and turn them in so you can work on your final sketch on Friday or as soon as you can.  If you have samples to finish, please work on the sketches at home. 

Silk painters, we will complete the demos today so you can get finished up.  Both silk paintings will be graded based on having light, medium and dark values as well as how you handle the gutta and dye application.

We will have until November 20th to complete our final piece(s).

Friday, October 11, 2013


Today is a catch up day.

2nd hour
 -use today to finish up on the tie dye designs we have learned so far.  There are 4 of them as follows:
#1-Simple (spiral, accordion fold or scrunch)
#2-Guideline (heart or other shape from the video)
#3-Complex-combination of simple and guideline or two or more simple designs. (heart and scrunch, spiral and scrunch)
#4-Shibori-tying marbles or other items into the cloth to form white rings

If you are caught up, create a simple drawing like flowers, butterflies, animals and so on.  Use the sketch paper in cabinet #13.  We will need this sketch for Tuesday.


Continue working on the silk screening as you can.  More screens will be prepared for Monday.  Finish up any of the samples that you have not yet completed.  Silkscreens can be dried in-between uses.  If the screen is still wet, your tape will not stick.  

Remember!  Only use paint specifically for silkscreening or it will clog the screen and ruin it.  It is $5 to replace a ruined screen.  Createx Paint from the Fabric Paint cabinet is the only "paint" that can be used.  You can also use the inks in the silk screen cabinet.  Apply and line with a spoon.  Always place extra ink/paint back in the container.  It is expensive!  Please do not wash it down the sink.

Please take down your dry stencil and design from the clothes line.  We will need the space.

Look for sunset photographs with lots of color in the sky.  Print them off in color to the LHS135 color printer.  We will need them next week.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


2nd Hour

Today you will be watching 2 short videos about traditional Japanese shibori and arashi tie dye techniques.  On Wednesday we will learn how to do them in class.


Today you will take your 3 color drawing and begin preparing your stencils.  Get 3 pieces of sketch paper.  Label each one with one of the 3 colors.  Tape your sketch to the lightbox or window.  Line up one of the labeled sheets on top of the sketch (label name up).  On this piece of paper, trace all the shapes from your sketch that match the color labeled on your paper.  Continue this with the remaining 2 sheets of paper.  In the end you will have 4 sketches, one complete one and 3 made of like colored shapes from the main design.  If you have time, you may use an exacto knife to cut out the shapes on all of the sheets, but the original drawing.  Use a board under your work.

Monday, October 7, 2013


2nd Hour

Your current sample (#3) is a complex design that combines 2 or more of the styles that you have learned to create a new design.  

You should also rinse your samples from last week.   
1. First rinse with the sample with the rubber bands on.  
2. Next they remove the rubber bands, rinse the rubber bands and dry them.  The rubber bands should then immediately go into the rubber band drawer. 
3. Then you can finish rinsing the sample fabric.  
4. The final step for today is to place the rinsed pieces back in one of their original bags until tomorrow.  Rinse the bags you have all ready used.  The bags with the rinsed and wrung out fabric can be placed in your storage cabinet.  Remember to dry the bags.
5. Please check the sinks for rubber bands.  


1-Continue to stencil and stamp your current sample.

2-Next we will be learning how to silk screen.  You will need to create a drawing that requires 3 colors.  You can use markers or color pencils to mark the colors.  Do not create design details that are too small.
This video is similar to what we will be doing in class.

Thursday, September 26, 2013


Last in-class day to work on collages.  Supplies may be checked out for the weekend.

Several people are missing the sketches.  Keep in mind that you will not have a grade for the final collage without the sketch and resource collection being graded.  

2nd hour-If you finish early, you may start the silkpainting worksheet.  It can be found in the 3rd draw of the file cabinet.

5B- you may work on the silkscreen worksheet for in the 3rd drawer of the file cabinet.

Monday, September 23, 2013


Lots of activities during the next 2 weeks.  This week is an assembly and a 4 day week.  Homecoming and 2 more assemblies are also on their way.

Our goal this week is to complete the Collage Composition design by Sept. 26th.  There are still several people in each class that have not turned in their 6 sketches, reference images and final sketch.  Do this immediately, so you have time to complete your collage.

Monday of next week we will be starting new units in each class.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Today is the last day to work on final sketches. They must be turned in to me by the end of the school day. 

The grading is as follows on the sketches:
-50 points for the final sketch
-50 points for the 6 sketches plus the resources

Lab Time:
-prepping paper sheets for your collage
-begin building background
-begin tracing major shapes to use as templates

Friday, September 13, 2013


Composition Handout
-keep it handy!  It is the rules that you will be using to create your design.

Sketching Assignment
-find resources to help create your sketches.  More than one sketch is required for each composition/sketch. 
-the resources will be handed in with the sketches
-simple shapes showing the layout and the objects
-6 small sketches required

See me as you finish your 6 sketches to discuss the best option for your final design.

The final design will be 9 x 12.  Your final sketch will be 9 x 12.  All 7 sketches and all of your resources should be turned in as soon as you have completed them.

If there is time, you may start gathering your papers for your collage.  Use either your handmade papers, papers in cabinet 13 or develop appropriate new ones.

Thursday, September 12, 2013


Composition Handout
-keep it handy!  It is the rules that you will be using to create your design.

Sketching Assignment
-find resources to help create your sketches.  More than one sketch is required for each composition/sketch. 
-the resources will be handed in with the sketches
-simple shapes showing the layout and the objects
-6 small sketches required

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


-The handout will be your information about the assignment and your rubric.

Sketching Assignment
-find resources to help create your sketches
-the resources will be handed in with the sketches
-simple shapes showing the layout and the objects
-6 small sketches required

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Watch the sinks!  If the paste paint is allowed to dry, it is very difficult to remove later on.  We will have to clean at the end of the semester.  Now is a good time to decide you much cleaning is required :)

-Theme examples

Coffee Shop

-Dry Brush

Lab Time:-Add more to your paste paint page.  
-Dry brush

Monday, September 9, 2013


It is very important to clean up brushes.  I have another class after this one.  I was late due to rinsing not only the wet brush, but everything that brush touch!!!!

Add more to your paste paint page.  Or start one with a smooth color that you can add to tomorrow.

-Defusing Paper

Friday, September 6, 2013



Paste Paint
Diffusing Paper

Due today:

$5.00 LAB FEE!!
Collage Worksheet

Thursday, September 5, 2013


We will continue to develop our stamped paper.  
We will also learn how to create paste paper today.

$5 lab fee due tomorrow
Collage Worksheet is also due friday.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Day 2

-art rooms 
-Fibers room

Keep working on your Collage worksheet.  It is due Friday.
Collage worksheet:
Please complete questions 1-9 by this Friday.  Please hand it in to the basket by the door.

$5 lab fee-get an envelope from me for it.  Write your name on the outside of the envelope.

Collage Power Point

Start talking about papers we can create to use for our collages.

-5A remember to put up your chairs please

Monday, September 2, 2013

Welcome to Fibers I

Welcome to Fibers at LHS!

5A- Please put your chairs up at the end of the hour.

1. On a piece of paper write your name, date and class hour.
2. Define the following terms:

-rule of thirds
-paste paint
-center of interest
-dynamic positioning
-dry brushing

3. Hand into the basket by the door

Collage worksheet:
Please complete questions 1-9 by this Friday.  Please hand it in to the basket by the door.