Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Fibers I-Simple Tie Dye

Task #1- Empty and rinse out the soda ash bucket. Follow directions on the side of the bucket. The soda ash is under the island sink in the cabinet.

Task #2- Get a piece of fabric, and use a permanent marker to write your first and last name. Place the fabric in the bucket until the conclusion of the video.

Task #3- Finish the video we started before break. The start time is on a posted note on the computer screen at the teacher's station.

Task #4- All tie dying must take place on a metal counter top. Arrange your fabric based on one of the designs from the video (Spiral, Scrunch, Accordian Folds). The video can be reveiwed, if needed. Add rubber bands. Next add dye to both sides of the piece. Blot both sides with paper towel. Slide the dyed piece into a plastic bag. Plastic bags are found under the counter by the wall. Get a piece of tape and write you name on it. Place it on the bag. Tie the bag closed and place in the small blue tote near the paste paint cart near the looms. 

Collages are due by next Friday, January 12th.

Fibers II & III

This week please wrap-up your samples, and get your sketches completed. Turn things in as you finish them.

If you are ready to start your final, make a list of materials required for your piece. All projects will require you to purchase materials with the exception of weaving. Yarn is in abundance. Think about your budget, and plan accordingly.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Collage Designing

Composition Handout
-keep it handy!  It is the rules that you will be using to create your design.

Sketching Assignment
-find resources to help create your sketches.  More than one resource is required for each composition/sketch. 
-the resources will be handed in with the sketches
-simple shapes showing the layout and the objects
-each sketch should focus on one of the themes.
-8 small sketches required

Friday, December 8, 2017

Fabric Constructions and Gio

Thank you for being a great class!

Quilting: Once your 9 squares are sewning and ironed, you can cut out the batting and the back to the same dimensions as the front panel. We will talk about how to complete them on Monday.

American Crossing Guard Week: I recieved a message from Mr. Henke about special gift that we could make for the crossing guards in our district. I told him about our pot holders, and he thought this would be a nice gift. Today would be a great day to construct a second pot holder to say thank you for helping the WRPS students safe.

Soft Sculpture: This is our next topic. This are Ugly Dolls or Sock Monsters. To get started on this sample, get sketch paper out of cabinet 13, and draw your character in full detail. I will help you design the pattern peices on Monday. Have Fun!!!!!

Fibers I Collage Themes

We will be going to the 228 computer lab on Monday.

Gathering Resources:

  • Use copyright free photograph resources
    • advance search
  • choose several images for each type (3 trees, 3 flowers, 3 napkins)
  • copy and paste photographs into a Google doc
  • Print in color to LHS135colorprinter

-Theme examples

Coffee Shop
Image result for spoon
Image result for napkin

Image result for Birch trees

Monday, December 4, 2017

Welcome to Fibers I

Fibers I

Mixed Media Collage Video
Handmade Paper Collage Video

Collage worksheet:
Please complete by this Friday.  Please hand it into the purple basket by the door.

Welcome to Fibers II & III

Class Overview Fibers II

  • Fabric Constriction
    • Weaving
    • Felting (Needle and Wet)
    • Soysilk
    • 3D Fabric Construction
    • Quilting
  • Mixed Media
    • Beading
    • Bead Mosaic
    • Glass Mosaic
    • Book Making
    • Lamps
    • Clocks
    • Bowls
    • etc
Weaving Samples
Weaving Handouts and worksheet

Fibers III
  • Complex Cloth
  • Story Telling
  • Upcycling